



I never started this year with a resolution in mind except to seriously take care of myself. Since I haven't been active ever (I know it is that bad), I started with doing skipping rope. First day was interesting, I did 50 and already catching my breath. The next day I challenged myself to push to 100 and was able to achieve it but I almost fainted, my sight gradually blacking out, could barely stand up. This time I knew that my body is in bad shape and need to get in active style ASAP.

The next few sessions, I could reached 250 in skipping rope and still be able to push more. However I figured out it would be better if I started running instead. So I ran 3km for the first session and it took me 20 minutes to do so. I understand that it is my first time running as far as I can remember, I need to be gentle with my legs, knees, and all the organs that involve with it. This was also the time that my feet hurts after every run. It was because I didn't use a proper running shoe. I was using the Jordan 1 high that I have that it was awful for running. Bought Nike Pegasus 40 because it was on sale and after researching that it is good all around running and few Ks.

As of now I am just maintaning 5k each session, I don't intend pushing it anytime soon because of time constraint and also I could not run it straight (I still do 1 minute walk after each kilometer). My brother also brought dumbells(2pcs, 5kg each) which I lift almost everyday. I just do simple squat, lift, and some that I found online.



I also began learning new programming language. Tried Go first, it was amazing. Built a simple REST api using it (I know its not a good usecase) but it worked out fine. Also tried Swift, built a simple TODO app and didn't pushed it further from there. Finally, I figured out to try and learn Dotnet, since it is tech that my company uses. It would be best that I'll transition into a fullstack developer for my current position in the company. To kick things off, I built a fullstack application from it. Was using dotnet as my backend REST api, MongoDB for database and React(SPA) for my frontend. I built a "URL Shortener" app, just like bitly or tinyurl. Deployed the app in Azure thanks for their generous plans, I didn't have to spend anything to get the app into the cloud.

Also, source code for these projects are all in my github profile.


This year I also began looking into books. I didn't bought any physical books but I just used my phone and the book app. Will go into details in a different blog post because the books that I've read are just too good. Thanks to @librarymindset (an Instagram page) where I get my recommendations from.

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This year I also experienced Arctic Monkeys, we went to Manila just to witness them live! It is also their first time in the country, so I'm pretty stoked! They are also my top artist on my Spotify wrapped 2022. I also brought Fafcy with me to experience them live, would like to also add that this will be our first concert ever! My top 3 albums from them would be; Whatever People Say I Am, That's What I'm Not, Tranquility Base Hotel & Casino, and Humbug.


We also went to Cebu for Devcon, together with my coworkers around the Philippines and from Australia. Some of them would travel more than 12 hours just to get into Cebu. We had the opportunity to look at the Whale Sharks and Tumalog falls. We also spent our days collaborating with each other, but this time, it would be face to face. We spent our days coding, enjoying the view, drink few beers, and do kayak!

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