
Version Whatever


Yes, I am rewriting my website again, but why? Let's say that I want to try things out. I guess my main motivation is make something creative and haven't done that since highschool. 🤣 You can also see the gallery page where I would put some random pictures, without social media compressing the image quality.

As you may have noticed, website design is topnotch. I want it to be as minimal as possible and not be over the top. You can switch to light/dark theme, though. Originally, I planned this website to be only dark-theme but, Fafcy is light-theme enthusiast 😳 so I had to include it.

Here is the list of technologies I used for this site:

• NextJS (SSG) - no brainer for blog websites. It is SSG so it would just spit out good old html, css, js.

• Tailwind CSS - as I have discussed above, I have impeccable design taste so it would only make sense to use very minimal yet powerful CSS utilities.

• MDX JS - writing down markdown files for my blog post content.

• Cloudflare - where I host this website. It is free and fast!